Embarking on the journey to better sleep can feel like a big step, but rest assured, you’re in good hands. We understand the challenges of parenthood, especially when sleep deprivation is added to the mix. That’s why we’re here to offer nurturing guidance and support tailored to your family’s unique needs.

If you have any questions about booking a consultation or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at hello@sproutingsleep.com. We’re here to help make the process as smooth as possible for you.

Simply scroll down to view services & descriptions below – once you have decided which package suits you best you can find a date on the calendar that works for you. Consultation times run from 30 – 60 minutes long, the two hour time slots ensure we won’t be overlapping appointment times – with little ones we need to be flexible! 

If you can’t find a date or time that works for you contact hello@sproutingsleep.com to find a suitable time. We look forward to working with you and your family!

September 2024

Email/SMS Instant Support

Suitable 0-4 years

This is perfect for mothers who would like immediate support at your fingertips. Think of it as a personalised Google search – only tailored to your specific circumstance and has your best interests in mind.

  • Nap transition advice
  • Routine changes
  • Managing expectations
  • Adapting to ‘regressions’
  • Ruling out red flags
  • Troubleshooting 
  • Discussing concerns  

And much more! 

What this includes: 

-Once you have secured your service (don’t worry the booking date/time is not relevant to this service) you will receive an email from Lauren to commence. If you need your service to begin urgently you can email lauren@sproutingsleep.com. Choice of communication email, SMS (Australia) or Whatsapp (international). This service covers one week of support. You can utilise the service as frequently or infrequently as you like within the week about any topics you would like to cover. 


Standard Package

Suitable 0-4 years

This package is best suited to families that need initial support in how to start minor transitions such as dropping naps or advice on what next steps may include in situations such as early waking times or extremely late bedtimes. Families that are having multiple wakes and longstanding sleep concerns would be best suited to Premium, Full or Comprehensive Package.

What this includes:


-Intake form to be completed including 3-day log of feeds/sleep.

-Returned strategies to implement.
-2 weeks email follow up with troubleshooting and reassurance when required (usually two check ins per week).

Client available to reach out at any time if needing to make any changes or check in sooner.


Weaning Package

For babies 18 months and over
Weaning is a very personal journey and what works for one baby won’t be suited to another. Your baby’s temperament, your goals and individual feeding journey is taken into consideration to make the transition as stress free and gentle as possible.

What this includes:

-Zoom/phone consultation to discuss your feeding journey.

-Feeding log to be completed

-Texting support available with this package to ensure timely management and support as changes arise in real time. 

-3 weeks support and guidance


Premium Package

Suitable 0-4 years
This package best suits families that need to implement a change but don’t know where to start and need assistance with first steps. 3 weeks of guided support. Strategy email returned of how to approach sleep within 48 hours of completed intake and initial consult.

What this includes:

Detailed intake form to be filled in – including a 3-day log of feeds/sleep. 

-Zoom/phone consultation to discuss intake and goals you want to achieve 

-Emailed plan to implement 

-Troubleshooting and check ins during weeks 1 and 2. 

-Client can also reach out if needed at any time. 

-Wrap up email to summarise and implement any further changes at 3 weeks (completion of package)


Full consultation - One month of support

Suitable 0-4 years

This is ideal for parents who are really struggling with your current routine and don’t know where to start. May be a complex issue or a longstanding sleep

What this includes:

-Detailed intake form to be completed – including 3 day sleep and feeding logs

-Zoom/phone consultation to discuss intake and any initial plans that can be implemented immediately following call. 

-One month of support with Lauren – twice weekly check ins (can be as simple or detailed as required)

-Texting support for abrupt advice on any unexpected changes

  • First week; If no red flags present or once assessment has been attended, we can continue by commencing our initial call via zoom or phone to discuss your burning questions, concerns, desires and main goal you’re wanting to achieve with your tailored plan
  • Following 3 weeks; Weekly email follow up to check
    in/troubleshoot throughout the process and summary email concluding the month and any steps that may be expected soon after completion of package


Comprehensive Package- Two months of support

Suitable 0-4 years

Perfect for families who have been struggling with adjusting to sleep and maintaining a sustainable lifestyle. This package includes 2 months of support so get ready to have a qualified bestie that can completely shift your current circumstance. 

What this includes:

-Detailed intake form to be filled in, including 3-day log of feeds sleep that will be analysed prior to consult to ensure we can discuss any red flags or any current sleep disrupters that may be evident in intake. 

-Zoom/phone consultation to discuss current routine, changes you wish to achieve, all about your baby’s preferences and unique temperament and lifestyle.
-2 months guided support with twice weekly check ins for discussing the current implemented methods and troubleshooting if necessary.
-Family can email (or text) questions as they arise with a response time within 48 hours. 

-Wrap up and summary email for future reference and any 

Remember big changes are not always easily solved and can take some time!
Suitable for parents who are unsure of what to do next and would like guidance for every step of the way.
-We will analyse your intake form and sleep/feeding log; provide any referrals you may need for any red flag concerns with your baby.
