Meet Lauren, Founder of Sprouting Sleep and your dedicated Sleep and Well-being Specialist. With a rich background as a Midwife, Registered Nurse (specialising in neonatal care), and loving mother of two boys, Lauren brings a unique blend of professional expertise and personal understanding to her practice.

Driven by her own journey through motherhood and her eldest son’s ‘unconventional sleep patterns’, Lauren embarked on a mission to empower mothers to trust their instincts and nurture the precious bond between mother and child. Her passion for supporting families led her to become Certified as a Sleep Specialist, advocating for a holistic approach that prioritises responsiveness and individualised care over one-size-fits-all solutions.

Through her compassionate guidance and unwavering support, Lauren strives to show families that sleep training is not the only path to restful nights. Instead, she champions a philosophy rooted in listening to your baby’s cues and fostering a lifelong positive association

Any desperate pleas for answers were met with advice to sleep train, involving intense separation and cry it out techniques. A simple google search sent you down a rabbit hole of shoulds and shouldn’ts, a lot of which encourages denying your instincts & harming your confidence in your own abilities in knowing what your baby needs. Readily available information was also highly generalised & notions that all babies fit into x category. My baby didn’t match the criteria.
He wasn’t broken or even out of the norm, just not what westernised culture has led us to believe is normal. I trusted my instincts and persisted on finding ways to get us both the rest we needed and find our groove without the added guilt and stress from the outside world.